The Perfect Derma Peel™: Post Care 

Post- Peel 

Days 1 – 2:

The treated area will feel tight and may appear slightly darker.

  • The day of the peel application is “Day 1.” The peel solution should remain on the treated areas for at least 6
  • During the first 6 hours, do not wash, touch, rub, or apply make-up to the treated area.
  • The Perfect Derma Moisturizer with 1% hydrocortisone (included in Patient Home Care Kit) may be used after 6 hours if:
    • The skin feels excessively irritated
    • Patient is Fitzpatrick Type 4-6 or has melasma or hyperpigmentation
    • Either Perfect Derma booster was added to the peel treatment
  • If you are not experiencing any irritation or discomfort, the peel solution can remain on until your evening
    cleansing or it may be left on overnight.

Day 2 (AM):

  • Gently wash and dry the treated area.
  • Vigorously apply the 1st Post-Peel Towelette to the treated areas. Let
    dry thoroughly.
  • Towelette solution should be left on for 30 minutes before applying an SPF 30 or above.
  • Makeup may be applied if desired.

Day 2 (PM):

  • 30-60 minutes before bedtime, gently wash and dry the treated area.
  • Vigorously apply the 2nd Post Peel
    Towelette to the treated areas.
  • Leave the solution on overnight.
  • If you are experiencing excessive irritation or
    discomfort, apply a small amount of The Perfect Derma Moisturizer 2-3 times daily.
  • You may also apply a cold
    compress against the irritated area for relief.
  • If there is no significant irritation, do not use any moisturizing
    products on the treated areas until peeling begins (usually Day 3).
  • Avoid excessive sweating, sauna or heavy
    exercise during peel process.

Days 3-6: Peeling generally begins on Day 3.

  • After peeling begins, apply The Perfect Derma Moisturizer (included in the Patient Home Care
    Kit) to the treated areas 2-3 times a day to control the peeling and relieve the tightness.
  • This moisturizer should be used for 1-2 weeks for Caucasian patients and 2-3 weeks for Asian,
    Hispanic and African American patients.
  • If The Perfect Derma Moisturizer runs out, a 1%
    hydrocortisone cream may be substituted.
  • Do not rub, pick or pull on the peeling skin, let the
    peeling occur naturally. Rubbing, picking or pulling may cause scarring.
  • Gently wash (do not scrub) and dry the treated area morning and night, and apply The Perfect
    Derma Moisturizer as needed. An SPF 30 or above should be applied every 2 hours during sun

Days 7 and After: The peeling process is generally complete.

  • Mild sloughing may still be occurring in some treated areas. Continue to protect the skin with
    an SPF 30 or above.